Thursday, July 14, 2011

Prospectmatch Advisers That Get Ahead

You have a slow month and you feel bad.  Your manager indicates that if you did this or that, you would have done better. These reactions are misplaced because they assume that you can control your results.  You cannot.  You can only control your activities.  I know this is upsetting because Americans are taught to believe we can control everything sans the weather.  So we believe that if we have a bad month (i.e. slow sales), we must have screwed up.  Not so realize financial advisers that succeed.
You cannot make a client buy, you cannot make interest rates go down, you cannot make your clients’ mutual funds go up 20%. You cannot control your results.
You cannot control client procrastination, you cannot control terrorism, you cannot control the market diving by 800 points or the fact that a rich prospect’s brother-in-law is in the business and has his account. You cannot control your results know the financial advisers that succeed.
You can however control your activities and when you let that sink in, you will have fewer disappointments and you will have more energy. When things don’t go well, there’s nothing you can do about that.  The only thing you can do is control your activities.  Successful financial advisors know the secret formula: activity generates results.  So the secret is, be and stay BUSY.
You can make 25 contacts a day, you can study for the CFP® credential, you can join a study group, you can read a book on portfolio construction, you can have lunch with a million dollar producer, you can set your minimum account at $250,000 but you cannot control your results this week or this month.
However, in the long run, there are activities that generate extraordinary results and make successful financial advisers.  Unfortunately, most producers will never wait for the payoff and will have changed their activities seeking an instant payoff, believing that they can control their results.  When the results they want are not immediately forthcoming, they change their activities again, never realizing the payoff from the previous activities.  The top producers have much more patience.  They select a set of activities and keep doing them, not giving up, until they strike the gold. Have you been like the gold prospector who gave up 10 feet before he hit the vein of gold?
I’m reminded of Peter Lynch the great fund manager who had a simple outlook.  He knew that in the long run, stock prices follow earnings.  He invested in companies with growing earnings. Did he make money every year?  Of course not.  Yet he did not have any notion that he could control his fund’s results.  All he could do was to research companies, do a through job, find companies with growing earnings and stick to all he could control—his activities.  All he could do is sit with the knowledge that the right activities eventually bring extraordinary results.  He of course, had extraordinary long run results managing Magellan Fund; he had the best track record of any fund manager, ever.
Next time you have some ridiculous notion that you could have done something to avoid a bad week or bad month, let it go, unless that something was doing the activities you had planned to do and didn’t.  Just get in gear because in the long run, your activities are what you can control and the universe rewards appropriate activities and delivers success to financial advisers that are most active.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

ProspectMatch Will Your Retired Clients Run Out of Money?

There are many different strategies for withdrawing income from investments.  If clients own interest or dividend bearing securities and can live off that income alone, then odds are their financial security is secure (this article assumes they have made provisions for other possibilities such as rising health care costs, long-tern care and other hazards that can deplete principal).   However, most retirees will not find this adequate, especially in years when the market may be down and as inflation takes it bite out of purchasing power.
The question then becomes how much principal can they afford to draw off and still provide for inflation, and not deplete resources before death.  Most insurance agents give their clients bad advice on this issue telling them to get conservative and protect money from fluctuation.  This advice will help to bankrupt them faster.  How can you tell?

The Trinity Study

Enter the Trinity Study.  This study was conducted by three professors, at Trinity University, a few years ago to study what withdrawal rates were least likely to deplete an investor’s funds, and how the composition of the portfolio, stocks versus bonds, impacted the withdrawal rate. The study looked at the impact of withdrawal rates that varied from 3 – 12 percent, on 5 different portfolios ranging from 100 percent stock to 100 percent bonds, over all rolling withdrawal periods of 15, 20, 25 and 30 years.  One of the important characteristics of this study is that it used real historical market data not average rates of return for those time periods.  It also took the effect of inflation into account and adjusted the withdrawal rates upward each year accordingly.
The authors reached these five general conclusions:
1.    Younger retirees who anticipate longer retirement payout periods should plan on lower withdrawal rates.
2.    Bonds increase the success rate for lower to midlevel withdrawal rates, but most retirees would benefit from a stock allocation of at least 50 percent.
3.    Retirees who desire inflation-adjusted withdraws must accept a substantially reduced withdrawal rate from the initial portfolio.
4.    Stock-dominated portfolios using a 3 percent or 4 percent withdrawal rate may create rich heirs at the expense of the retiree’s current consumption.
5.    For 15-year or less payout periods, a withdrawal rate of 8 to 9 percent from a stock-dominated portfolio appears to be sustainable.
See for yourself
Below are the links to the 4 tables of data created by the study.  Note that the best portfolio performance, in terms of how long they lasted during retirement, was from the portfolios with 50%-75% stock positions.  That’s not to say stocks are better than bonds or annuities.  It is to say that telling clients to get into fixed annuities or safe investments would have bankrupted them faster based on 70 years of actual results.  Therefore, before giving financial advice, have the financial facts.  This will keep you from getting sued and also doing what’s right by your clients.
•    Table 1 illustrates the success rate of various portfolios for different time periods measured against the full time span of the Ibbotson data used, 1926 – 1995.
•    Table 2 illustrates the success rate of various portfolios for the time period after WW II, from 1946 – 1995.  As expected, market returns were better during that period and thus success rates improved significantly.
•    Table 3 illustrates the success rate of various portfolios for different time periods, adjusting for inflation/deflation during the period.  As you might expect, this one provides the gloomiest results.
•    Table 4 illustrates the variations in the amount of money you might have left at the end of each time period.
Remember, that the success rates of the above tables only show what portion of time a given withdrawal rate avoided depleting the portfolio.  In fact, each different time period produced a different result, and the range is enormous.  This table best illustrates the risks of using a static assumption for ROR.

Friday, July 8, 2011

ProspectMatch Located In Concord,Ca Just Released “Practice and Time Management for Financial Advisors”

Advisors Learn Tactics of Streamlining and Efficiency with “Practice and Time Management for Financial Advisors”

Concord, CA. ProspectMatch. has released “Practice and Time Management for Financial Advisors”, a self study course that teaches advisors how to change their activities to produce far greater revenue.  “Advisors waste incredible amounts of time.  They work harder and just stay in place and they don’t know why.  Major culprits
·         not having a target market and dealing with too many different types of people
·         offering too many products or services
·         being distracted by their firm’s latest promotion
·         not knowing how to hire and screen good assistants or use virtual assistants
·         not distinguishing between their activities which produce high revenue and those that don’t,” says Bob Richards, VP of Marketing.

What makes this program different is that time management training typically focuses on how time is used and personal time use habits but the biggest time waster is when the business is organized incorrectly and the business strategy is poorly formed. This program focuses on the fundamental reasons that so much time is required to generate revenue and how the business can be restructured to make revenue generation efficient.

Bob Richards at 866-452-8354 x 203

Friday, July 1, 2011

ProspectMatch Says Don't Educate Your Prospects

Don't Educate Your Prospects says ProspectMatch

Many advisors and insurance agents feel it’s important to educate their prospects. There’s an idea that if you educate your prospects, they can make good financial decisions. We at ProspectMatch disagree.
I have 18 years of education, 20 years of experience and various credentials. My prospects will never know a fraction of what I know, no matter how many hours I spend educating them. It’s my job to know what choices they should make and tell them so. I come from the securities industry. In that industry, the professional is responsible for the client taking the correct action. If my client wants to buy stock options and that’s not suitable for them, I will be held liable if I allow them to make that investment. Therefore, it becomes my judgment to know what they should do.
Our research at ProspectMatch indicates that, as explained above, it is the professional's responsibility, because of his experience and knowledge, to recommend choices for the investor/insurance buyer, not to give them a menu of options and a ton of information. More importantly, we know that in your sales communication, you will have far more procrastination if you let the client make the choices.
Of course, you still need your prospect’s agreement for your recommendations. So rather than educate them by telling them (the usual mode of education in this country), please educate them by asking questions. They already know the answers and you can have them educate themselves.
We teach the following method of selling at ProspectMatch. Here’s what educating (and selling) by asking questions looks like:
Professional: What are your plans when your health changes?
Prospect: What do you mean?
Professional: You know that as people age their health declines. So as you age, what are your plans when your health changes?
Prospect: I never really thought about that seriously. I have good health insurance, and always assumed that was adequate preparation.
Professional: Health insurance, of course, provides for you when you have an illness that they can cure in a few days in the hospital, but what happens if your health changes such that you can’t go shopping, you can’t take care of the house, and you can’t walk up stairs?
Prospect: Well I certainly don’t want my children to have to take care of me.
Professional: So what solutions do you think are available to you?
Prospect: I’m not really sure. I know people go to nursing homes, but I could barely afford that.
Professional: What other solutions do you think are available to you?
Prospect: There’s insurance, isn’t there?
Professional: Do you think you should consider that as one of the alternatives?
Prospect: Yes, but I don’t know anything about it. I’m sure it’s expensive and I couldn’t afford it.
Professional: How much do you think it costs?
Prospect: Jeez, I have no idea, what, maybe $500 a month?
Professional: What if you could get insurance to allow you to stay in your home, have help come and assist you, and could get that for $250 a month—would that seem to be a reasonable solution?
Prospect: Is that really available?
Professional: If it were, would you want to know about it?
Prospect: Sure. I don’t want my children to have to take care of me and if I can’t take care of myself, what other choice do I have?
Professional: How would you pay for that?
Prospect: I have some investments from which I don’t take all the income.
Professional: For example?
Prospect: I have an annuity that I reinvest and I also have a mutual fund that I reinvest.
Professional: How much a month are you reinvesting?
Prospect: It’s over $1,000 a month.
Professional: So if the insurance turned out to be a good solution, you know you can pay for it?
Prospect:—Yes, if it’s about $250 a month.
Just by asking questions, this “sale” and the prospect’s education is mostly complete. Notice how much more efficient this is than “telling,” handling lots of questions and potential objections. At ProspectMatch we know that when prospects see the solutions for themselves, they cannot object to their own insights.
The payoffs to educating selling by asking questions are enormous. They increase your sales success in five ways:
1. Questions direct your prospect’s thoughts. When you speak, your prospect’s mind wanders, he thinks up objections, he questions the validity of your facts, he questions your credibility and he may even think about what to have for dinner. But when you ask a question, you get laser-focused attention. We have been continuously trained to answer questions as accurately and completely as possible, starting from the first grade. Correctly answering questions is even the basis for most television game shows. So when you ask questions, you take advantage of your prospect’s cultural training to provide their full attention and best answer.
2. Questions allow you to find out the necessary facts (ethically important for any advisor and legally important for securities licensees to comply with the “know your client” rule).
3. Emotional questions allow you to determine the “emotional facts” (your prospect’s likes/dislikes). If you don’t know how your prospect feels, you cannot make a recommendation that feels “right.”
4. Questions increase your stature and credibility in the prospect’s eyes. The fastest indicator of a person’s intelligence and caring are the questions they ask.
5. Questions allow you to maintain control of the conversation because the person asking the question controls the conversation, while the person answering has lost control.

Monday, June 27, 2011

ProspectMatch helps financial professionals who are wasting time and earning too little

About Us
ProspectMatch helps financial professionals who are wasting time and earning too little. If you are earning less than $100,000 a year, you're either not serious, or doing the wrong things and we can show you what to do. If you are earning $100,000-$300,000 annually, you've figured some things out. But those who use our systems see their income top $500,000 annually because they spend their days doing marketing the right way, talking to motivated affluent prospects and they sell the right way.

Client Confidentiality
Client confidentiality is the principle that an institution or individual should not reveal information about their clients to a third party without the consent of the client or a clear legal reason. ProspectMatch respects this right of our clients, and will never give out personal contact information to a third party without express consent. Comments posted on this site are used with expressed consent, and agreement that personally identifiable information will not be divulged.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

ProspectMatch Announces Amazing Upgrades to the ProspectMatch System

Recent Upgrades to the ProspectMatch System

We continually make improvements and upgrades to the ProspectMatch system to provide a better service and help you close more sales. Below are some of the notable upgrades to the system and software that we have made in the last 12 months.
  1. Increased advertising market to include baby boomers (45+), as this demographic, along with seniors, holds most of the country’s wealth.
  2. Increased number of consulting calls from four to eight per month, and now offer 10 new account calls per week.
  3. Added “guest presenters” to many consulting calls who successfully use ProspectMatch to gain new clients.
  4. Additional training materials and follow-up resources have been included in the Advisor Center.
  5. Implemented a discount feature for those advisors who wish to prepay for prospects.
  6. Added a “vintage prospect” module, so advisors can buy blocks of leads at discounted prices, depending on the age of the prospect.
  7. Enabled backend software to identify and remove advertisers from our network who don’t meet quality standards.
  8. Added telephone verification software to automatically detect and remove prospects with disconnected phone numbers.
  9. Started the ProspectMatch Mentor program, where successful system users offer weekly coaching calls to advisors new to the system, or who are looking to improve their results.
  10. Addition of an automated credit request system, so if you get a lead with bad information, it's easy to get a replacement credit.
See prospects currently available in your zip code: 
Click Here for Leads Now!

Monday, June 20, 2011

ProspectMatch Life Insurance Leads / Prospects

These life insurance prospects responded to the ad for the booklet "The Best Way to Buy, Sell, or Replace Your Life Insurance." (Click Here to see the ad.) These are mature life insurance leads who either have life insurance they think they don’t need, or people who think they need life insurance but don’t have it.  These life insurance leads are prospects for:
  • Life insurance (term, whole and universal)
  • Settlement Life Insurance (senior settlements)
  • 1035 exchanges of life policies (when beneficial to the policyholder) or
  • 1035 exchanges of life policies to annuities (when beneficial to the policyholder)
All you do is send the booklet, and then follow up with the life insurance lead by phone per the instructions and script that we provide you to set your appointment.  Unlike life insurance prospects that request a quote and will shop price on you, these life insurance prospects are interested in understanding their best option.
Because these life insurance leads will have already received your life insurance booklet before you call, you will find the call a warm call with the booklet already having established you as a local life insurance expert. You will be treated as a professional and not as a salesperson when you follow instructions that we provide when you register for the life insurance leads service.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

ProspectMatch Lead Comparison to other Programs for Insurance Leads and Investment Leads

Too many producers waste their most precious resource—their time. They pursue insurance leads, annuity leads, or investment leads that should not be pursued. This page explains the different types of insurance leads and investment leads, and gives a general lead generation comparison, and then tells you how to minimize your loss of time pursuing leads that won't result in business.

Low end insurance leads and investment leads

We found a company that has consumers complete cards (from a county fair or other public venue) and answer these questions:
  • Do you currently own annuities? (no)
  • Would you like to receive information on annuities? (yes)
The respondents are age 45 to 64 and have minimum net worth of $300,000 (which means almost any homeowner will qualify) and household income of $100,000. The insurance lead generation company that produces this annuity lead guarantees to the advisor that 100% of the prospects will be reachable by phone. Obviously, it’s IMPOSSIBLE for them to guarantee that because you know that there are people you can never reach by phone. You call all times of day and you only get their voice mail. So be careful about lead guarantees—think for yourself if the lead guarantee can actually be provided.
So their backup guarantee is this—if you order 1,000 insurance leads, they will guarantee you earn at least $10,000 in commission as long as you “pursue” the leads. If that guarantee is not fulfilled, they will replace the insurance leads. Think about this—if you call 1,000 people from the phone book, you’ll also earn at least $10,000 in commission! Even though the cost for their leads is low ($1.18 each), you are basically buying names no better than those in the phone book!!! The prospect does not know who you are, they have not expressed any significant interest, and probably filled out the card because they were included in a drawing to win a new car. On top of that, the lead card may be eight weeks old!
These annuity leads are very inexpensive but are also worthless.
Please think through what the lead company is telling you. Ask yourself:
Does the method of lead generation indicate an interested buyer?
Does the method of lead generation indicate a motivated buyer?
Does the method of lead generation indicate a qualified buyer?

Or will you just waste your precious time on the phone calling leads that are nothing other than names. A quality or investment lead insurance lead generation system generates leads that are low volume, high quality. (Some professionals in financial sales are volume oriented--they prefer a LOT of leads--but a LOT just means you waste your time calling a LOT of unqualified, unmotivated people). You don't want a lot of leads that waste your time. You want leads that become buyers. ASK for evidence of that before you buy insurance leads or any type of leads.

Next, don’t be fooled by anyone’s offer of inexpensive or free “leads” as they are worthless. These are actually not “leads.” They are just names and phone numbers and you can get the same value by simply calling into the better neighborhoods in your area and these will be free from the phone book. Or call any list broker and for 10 cents a name or less, buy lists of people that are age 60+ and have net worth of $500,000 or more.
All low end insurance lead generation systems like this are built on one fundamental idea—if you call enough people, you make money. So these high volume lead systems waste your time—hours and hours—while you call unqualified, uninterested people who don’t know who you are. Result—you waste your most precious resource—your time.

High End Leads

At the opposite end of the insurance lead and investment lead quality continuum is a lead generation company that charges $110 per lead. Yikes!! These leads are generated through forms on the Internet. People encounter a web page that offers a quote for a particular product e.g. annuities, term insurance, or long-term care. People may be as far as 75 miles from you—so the chance they will come to you is zero, which means you may need to drive three hours (there and back) for potentially nothing.
The insurance lead generation company guarantees that the lead has $5,000 to invest. I don’t know about you, but most people in financial sales are not interested in a prospect with just $5,000. Your minimum is likely $50,000 or $100,000. If you don't have a minimum investment criteria, you’ll end up in three years with 800 small clients that waste your time, and you’ll be struggling 11 hours a day to make a living. This lead company's additional guarantee is that the leads are at least 40 years of age. This is not much of a guarantee for $110 per lead.

The good thing about these insurance leads: they are Internet leads. In this firm’s case, their insurance leads are guaranteed to be not more than 48 hours old. However, they note that up to 15% of the leads may be bad and they will replace them. Internet insurance leads are always better than any lead generated by a form, or anything handled by mail or physically handled, as it will be weeks old before you receive it. The Internet is instant, so you know the prospect is fresh.
If the lead does not meet the following criteria, the firm will give you a replacement lead:
  • Real person
  • Real phone number
  • Person is age 40+
  • Person has at least $5,000 to invest
You decide if that is worth $110 to you.

ProspectMatch -the way we do it for $18 per prospect

Our insurance leads and investment leads are also Internet leads and you get them via email within three minutes of the prospect completing the lead form on the Internet. (Because we know that email is inherently unreliable, we also store your leads online, and we urge you to check them at least twice weekly on our server via the internet). You can specify a radius as small as five miles. You will not waste time driving to far away leads, and the people live close enough to come to you—so a meeting becomes far more likely. They live in your neighborhood. You specify the type of leads you desire (annuity leads, life leads, mutual fund leads, long-term care leads, IRA rollover leads, etc).
Here’s the special part—before you contact the lead, you send a an educational, well-written 15-page booklet (we provide) personalized with your name, photo, credentials, contact information, and biography. Because prospects receive the booklet before you call, they are already impressed by your knowledge. You look like a professional, not a salesperson. And this is where all other insurance lead and investment lead systems fall down. Other lead systems have you call the prospect with no "introduction" and you come off as a sales person, and not a professional, and you don’t get the appointment. In addition to providing the booklet—which creates a super favorable first impression—we provide you with an instructional guide, sample audio files and weekly coaching on how to follow up with the leads—so that you set plenty of appointments, along with unlimited access to our weekly consulting calls.
Here's how we think. If we make you successful in converting your insurance leads and investment leads to appointments, you keep hiring us to find you more prospects!
You won’t get a ton of leads to waste your time. You may only get three to five a week, depending on your radius. The leads come to you fast and give you a much higher probability of setting an appointment. Does it work? Listen to what advisors say.
Leads are $18 each, which includes emailing your personalized booklet, if you so desire.
See prospects currently available in your zip code:
Click Here for Leads Now!

Friday, June 10, 2011

ProspectMatch IRA Rollover Prospect

These people responded to the ad for the booklet "Six Best & Worst IRA Rollover Decisions." (ProspectMatch IRA Rollover to see the ad.) These respondents are typically people on the cusp of retirement (or changing jobs) and are the most coveted prospects by financial advisors. These prospects are concerned about rollover issues and have "money in motion." All you do is send the booklet , and then follow up with the prospect by phone per the instructions we provide you.
Because these prospects will have already received your booklet, you will find the call a warm call. (People tend to give credibility to items in writing and the professionals who supply them). You will be treated as an expert and not as a salesperson when you follow our instructions that you receive when you register for the ProspectMatch service.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Prospect Match How the Prospect Matching System Works

ProspectMatch is designed around you, the financial professional, to help you grow your business. It is a completely automated system, accessible 24 hours day, 7 days a week via the Internet. This allows you to easily manage your account at any time, just like your online banking institutions or email accounts.
Registration. Register online by selecting your prospect types and geographical area (zip codes). Once registered, you can access your matched prospect information through your ProspectMatch Advisor Center. This is where all account information is available, including your prospect information, account settings, billing statements, booklets, and training resources.
Orientation. After account activation, you attend an Orientation Call (offered daily at 10am PST) to learn how to manage your account settings and prospect volume. You want to attend this call as soon as possible. This is not a “set it and forget it” system; it is a real-time continuous service and requires your active involvement, just like your bank account or other online service. You may need to adjust your initial settings (radius) until you "dial-in" the settings that produce the results you desire.
How our Marketing works. Once you register and your completed agreement is accepted, your account is activated and our marketing efforts in your local area begin. We registered your zip codes with our advertisers, and from that point it takes from one to seven days for your advertisements to start rotation. It is important to note that the marketing is not a gradual process; it is either on or off. For this reason, it is very important that you stay actively involved with your account and check your account DAILY to ensure your prospect flow meets your needs.
How we gather prospects for you.
  1. Natural Search Mature investors searching for financial information on Google, Yahoo, or MSN find one of our many informational sites, and respond to advertisements for free informational booklets directly from the site. They fill out a form with their personal information, we get that information to you, and you fulfill the request.
  2. Pay-Per-Click Seniors and pre-retirees respond to our Internet advertising on Google, Yahoo, or MSN for free, senior-specific educational information (booklets). They fill out a form with their personal information, we get that information to you, and you fulfill the request.
  3. Co-registration / Banner Advertising Our partner publishers run ads on hundreds of web sites daily (CBS Marketwatch, NYtimes, Orbitz, etc.), and in the course of registration or response to offers for products or services, the mature investor opts-in to receive free financial information. We match this prospect to you, and you fulfill the request.
In all cases, the prospect has taken action to receive the requested material, and has shown interest in our specific offers.
Consulting Calls. Once activated, you'll have access to the ProspectMatch Advisor Center and our twice-weekly consulting calls. You must attend at least one consulting call to be eligible forour guarantee. You are able to ask questions and get answers from our highly skilled, in-house ProspectMatch consultant. Even if you have been in business for 20 years, you will learn new ways to follow up on your prospects from this call. We encourage you to trade ideas, tips, and hints with other advisors to best approach prospects and use the system and materials to your full advantage. Click here to see comments from advisors who have attended one or more calls and have had great success with the system.
Account Management. Once activated, you'll have access to the ProspectMatch Advisor Center 24/7. Here, you can edit your radius (travel distance) at any time to control you prospect flow. You can ADD additional prospect types at any time, and remove prospect types on the 1st of every month if you desire. You'll also find complete instructions on how to follow up on your prospects for optimal results. You may cancel anytime after your first 15 prospect matches.
How You Get the Prospect Information. All prospects are delivered directly into your Advisor Center. We also send out courtesy email notifications as a reminder; however, since email is often unreliable, we recommend you check the Advisor Center DAILY for new postings.
Exclusive Prospects. Each prospect type is assigned to ONLY ONE advisor, based on the zip codes selected during registration. It's first come, first served.
Prospect Types. On the menu to the left, you can see the available prospect types. You select these when you register for the service. You must select at least one "generic" prospect type (Pre-Retirees or Retirees) on registration, which remains selected for the term of your account.
Item Fulfillment. After receipt of the prospect, you mail the requested item (or your own material if you prefer). It's critical to send the item BEFORE you call so the prospect knows who you are and are perceived as an expert, not simply a salesperson. You can also elect to have material emailed directly to the prospect as soon as you get a request, but you'll want to follow up with a physical response to get the best results.
Investment. There is a one time, non-refundable investment of $149 to start your advertising campaign. Each prospect match is $18 (bulk discounts are available).
Please review the site thoroughly and call with any questions:
866-952-4065 (office hours 6am-4pm Pacific but leave a message for a call back anytime).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

ProspectMatch Questions And Answers

What if I can't use any of your booklets?
Mature investors will see an advertisement that offers one or more booklets of the several that we offer. You need to be prepared to send what they request. However, if your firm insists you use their materials, then do it. Here's your second option: Once you become a ProspectMatch client, you have access to the source files of our booklets enabling you to modify the booklet any way your firm desires. Using our follow-up scripts, you can convert these prospects to clients no matter if you use your materials or our materials.

Can I email them a booklet?
Yes, we have an electronic version available in the Advisor Center. However, the physical booklet customized with your picture and information makes a much better impression than email. We still live in an era where something physical, something in print, gets more credibility than something that arrives via email. When the prospect receives the physical booklet with your name, photo, and credentials on the front cover, it has impact. It positions you as an expert.
I have my own literature or booklets. Can I send that instead of your booklet?

How many prospects will I get?There is no way to tell in advance but you have control. The size of the radius you select and the density of population in your area determine the number of prospects you receive. You will get more prospects in New York City than you will in Iowa. You pay only for the prospects you receive.
What if I get too many prospects?You can adjust your radius and or prospect types to control the number of prospects you receive. You can make that adjustment as often as you desire.

Have to booklets been FINRA reviewed?
As of 10-10-09, 5 of the booklets have FINRA Review letters. These are provided to you when you register. If you would like to get the other booklets FINRA reviewed, you are free to do so through your broker dealer and we will pay the FINRA review fee.

My broker/dealer does not let me send email. Can I still use your program?The booklets get sent by US mail.

How do I get the prospects?They come to you via email as a convenience but do not rely on email as email is fallible. We store all of your prospect contact information for in an on-line account and we urge you to check your account (log into your Advisor Center) at least every other day, as email is inherently unreliable and we don't want you to miss any prospects.

Can I download the prospects so I can easily import them into my database or contact manager?Yes. The system allows you to download your prospects in a format that is readable by most database, spreadsheet and contact management software.

There are prospects already waiting in my zip codes. How are these handled?When you first begin the matching service, the prospects you receive on signup have been waiting for materials 7 days or less. Thereafter, we post your prospects directly to your online account (and you get a courtesy email notification), often within 3 minutes of the prospect submitting their request. Any prospect that we can't match to an advisor within 7 days is automatically removed from our system.

Do you guarantee the quality of your prospects?While we do not have details about net worth, investment motivation, or age of each prospect, we advertise to secure mature prospects that most advisors would find to be desirable investors and insurance buyers. ProspectMatch guarantees that every prospect will have a valid name, working phone number, and deliverable postal address or we will give credit by providing another prospect match. You acknowledge that some prospects will be more desirable than others and some will be more motivated than others. ProspectMatch CANNOT guarantee that the prospects provided will result in sales, new clients, or any other desired outcome.

What about duplicate prospects? If a prospect signs up for the same booklet three times, do I get charged three times?If the same person enters the same information more than once in a 6 month period, you will not be charged again for the same prospect.

What if I am dissatisfied with the service? Can I get my money back?You pay only for the prospects you receive. You may cancel the service at any time after you receive 15 prospects, but any prospects you have already received are not refundable. If you cancel, you will be charged for any prospects received but not billed up until the point you cancel. The $149 signup is not refundable.
I don't have a computer or I'm not comfortable dealing with the prospects in email or downloading them. Can you just send me the prospects on labels?Sorry, no. This service is all web-based and probably isn't for you.

Aren't mature people on the Internet just looking for coupons?Mature consumers (age 65+) comprise 13% of the US population but only 4% of the Internet population. Meaning—the poor seniors who cannot afford a computer or Internet connection or mentally slow seniors are NOT on the Internet. Those seniors on the Internet are the cream—they are wealthier and better educated.
While 47% of all seniors are married, a whopping 74% of Internet-using seniors are married. Meaning—they probably had two incomes during their working years and have higher savings and net worth. They have two pensions and two IRAs. They buy two LTC policies. They potentially get two inheritances from their parents. Married people create more business for a financial advisor.

How do I receive credit for a bad prospect?
To obtain a replacement prospect, you must notify us within 30 days of receiving a prospect that does not meet our guarantee. You must use the online credit request system to make your credit requests.

Why are there are no prospects showing in my zip codes?Here's how this works. We run thousands of advertisements on the Internet daily, but only in zip codes where we have an advisor registered for prospects. We refresh our zip code advertising list every 10 days-and we ONLY advertise in zip codes where we have advisors registered for prospects. So if you see no prospects, then there are no advisors yet registered for these zip codes. It can take up to 2 weeks before you start seeing prospects come into your account. The sooner you register, the sooner we can start advertising in your local area.

Why do I get prospects outside of my radius?
Note that if you selected a zip code and ANY PART of that zip code is within your radius, you will receive prospects from that ENTIRE ZIP CODE, even if beyond your radius.

Your system initially showed 18 prospects in my selected zip codes, but when I registered I only got 8 prospects. How come?
Some prospects select more than one booklet, so these all show up on the initial search page. If Mrs. Smith requested the Annuity booklet AND Life Insurance booklet, she shows up as two prospects on the initial search page. Once you get to the registration page, Mrs. Smith appears as a single prospect, so you are only billed once for Mrs. Smith. Any prospect who has requested more than one booklet type are "reduced" down to one prospect before they are assigned to your account.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

ProspectMatch Client Letters and Reviews Prospect Match

ProspectMatch Clients Letters And Reviews

 Audio Comments from ProspectMatch Subscribers - Click Here

"We have already closed 6 new annuity cases that have generated over $52,000 in commissions for us."Read Full Comment — James, Melville NY

"The lead generation program does what it says it does. It has paid for itself; within the first 30 days." Read Full Comment — Wesley, Dallas TX

"I already write over $7 million a year and am always looking for effective lead programs..." Read Full Comment — Vince, Denver CO

"This lead generation program is like none other...qualified leads show up daily ready to be contacted...with over 15 years in the advisory business this is the best program of its kind I have found."— William W., Charlottesville, VA

"ProspectMatch's program is fantastic, and has done wonders for my business..." Read Full Comment — Barney, Fremont, CA

"...I have met with 6 qualified prospects of which 3 became clients with investment portfolios of more that $500,000 each." Read Full Comment — Walter, Summit, NJ

"I would like to make over $1,000,000 net the next three years and that is my goal...Thus far, I am very pleased with the response I am receiving from the prospects as I never expected it to be this enjoyable. I sincerely hope it continues so that I can increase the radius of operation.
 Martin G. Port Saint Lucie, Fl

"I am very happy with the professional handling of the lead system. The booklets are professionally written and make a great impression. I have had 31 leads and set 5 appointments so far."
— Garry S., Huron, OH

"The lead generation program has proved some amazing results! I have
received 21 fully qualified senior leads in the first two weeks."
Read Full Comment — Aaron, Las Vegas, NV

"...exceptional amount of leads in a short time..." Read Full Comment
— Thomas, Brandon MS

"When I call to follow-up with the prospects, the calls are incredibly warm...."
Read Full Comment — Robert, White Plains, NY

"On the first day of leads, I was able to meet a prospect who became a client. We were able to help him to stop his losses and had a $159,000 annuity sale." — Don, Thousand Oaks, CA

"My cost with ProspectMatch for 50 leads has been $900, with closed business so far of $365,000..." Read Full Comment — Wayne, Glenarm, IL

"...the prospect was receptive to receiving the booklet and I did a $83,000 rollover. Right off the bat the program has paid for itself!" Read Full Comment— Paul, Las Vegas, NV

"We have so many leads that we can't keep up with them!...." Read Full Comment — Thomas, Novi, MI

"Out of the recent 50 leads, I have had two successful appointments, which generated a total of $8000 commision. Additionally, I have two prospects who have scheduled appointments with me. The lead program has given me a good return on marketing dollars spent."— CR, NYLife, KY

"When people contact us for information we are perceived as experts and our calls are welcomed!..." Read Full Comment — Lochainn, Willoughby Hills, OH

"ProspectMatch is not just any other lead program; it is more of an approach..." Read Full Comment — Javier, Pelham, NY

"I specialize in Retirement Savings Plans and have worked about 19 of your leads to date. Well, I just landed an annuity account valued over $160,000. Well worth my investment with ProspectMatch! I plan on continuing to utilize your senior lead service." — Stewart, Lansdale, PA

"I have used prospectmatch for over a year and have had some very successful appointments as a result. Following a simple program of mailing..."Read Full Comment —Dale, Edgewater, ML

"The prospectmatch program has helped me build a local mailing far it has... resulted in one new client, a good one. That client has given me one referral......who has (also) become a very good client." — John, Plymouth, MI

"These are great leads because they are welcoming people who know why we are calling." Read Full Comment 
— Summer, Las Vegas, NV

"My average ticket is around $75,000 to $200,000...." Read Full Comment 
— Robbie, Daytona Beach, Florida

"I made enough commission to pay all of my prospecting expenses for a year." Read Full Comment — James, Portland, OR

ProspectMatch Free Ebook Provides Financial Advisors Strategies to Grow Business ProspectMatch

Financial advisors get a lot of tactical advice but not much strategy
Prospect Match provides its free ebook “How to be a Million Dollar Producer” to financial advisors and insurance professionals at  Bob Richards, Vice President or Marketing says it’s something different than most advisors ever see.
“Financial advisors get a lot of tactical advice on things like generating referrals or doing seminars but these tactics don’t often work because advisors don’t have the proper strategy or business structure in place,” says Richards.  “If you take tactical advice and don’t have the right context or structure to use it, it will fail. For example, most advisors are never given the advice to turn away business.  Yet, we find that those advisors who narrowly restrict the types of people they deal with or the products or services they offer, earn more and work fewer hours.”
One comparison that the ebook offers is how physicians have organized their business so that they can see 60 patients in a day.  Advisors learn to copy several tactics that physicians use to significantly increase the demand for their services and their ability to see more clients and prospects.
“There’s no reason that the million dollar production threshold cannot be reached by more advisors if they take the time to set the proper strategy and structure in place before they go searching for the next tactical Holy Grail.”
Financial advisors , investment advisors and insurance agents can download a copy from